September's Teaching Moment

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catholics have a moral obligation to exercise our right to vote for the common good and to participate in the political life of our country. It is also our moral duty to vote for candidates who will help mitigate evil and advance the common good. Some of the issues we are facing are non-negotiable for us beginning with abortion, which is gravely contrary to moral law. American bishops have written that abortion is the preeminent issue for Catholics. Every preborn child has the right to life, the fundamental right that makes all other rights possible. Catholics must vote pro-life choosing candidates who support lessening the spread of evil that abortion continues to do and has done since 1973 in killing approximately 64 million unborn children.


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St. Michael the Archangel

Wilmington Catholic Radio is an apostolate serving the Catholic Church and consistently operating in accord with the principles and truths of the Catholic Faith as expressed in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the living Magisterium of the Church. Our goal is to always provide the community with solid Catholic teaching so Catholics can have an easy way to learn more about their faith, and for non-Catholics to learn what the Church really teaches. This is our mission.