February's Teaching Moment

2025 is the Jubilee of Hope year and the 2025th anniversary of the Incarnation of Our Lord.

For the Jubilee, Rome’s Holy Doors are now open at the four major basilicas of Rome including St. Peter’s, St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, and St. Paul Outside the Walls.

Pope St. John Paul II explained that passing through a Holy Door evokes the passage from sin to grace which every Christian is called to accomplish. Those not able to pilgrimage to Rome may also obtain a Jubilee Indulgence by making a pious pilgrimage to a sacred Jubilee site, including any minor basilica or Marian sanctuary.

For more information, see the Jubilee website or download the app, Iubilaeum25, in the Google Play Store or the Apple store.

Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope
5 Holy Doors: What every Catholic should know ahead of Jubilee 2025

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