The September Carolina Catholic show features an interview with Bishop Burbidge as he speaks to us about the Year for Priests which began June 19, 2009 and will end June 19, 2010 with a World Meeting of Priests in Rome. He will speak about our own diocesan observations of this wonderful celebration, including features in our diocesan magazine and on the diocesan website, and the events which will mark this special Year for Priests. Bishop Burbidge stresses the need for priests to spend a year in prayer to strengthen them in their vocations, and he asks all the faithful to pray daily for our pastors and all priests serving in this most sacred consecrated ministry.
This show also features Mike Burbeck, a diocesan seminarian who served at St. Mark’s Catholic Church this past summer. Mike speaks about his conversion to Catholicism and the wonderful experiences he has had while studying for the diocesan priesthood. Mike is a seminarian at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary outside Philadelphia.
Diocese of Raleigh Prayer for PriestsGod our Father, Strengthen them to carry out their ordained ministry Help them to serve Your people with humility and charity. Keep Your Priests faithful to their vocation We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, the High Priest Mary, Mother of all Priests, pray for us. |
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For earlier interviews with Bishop Burbidge click on January 08 and March 08.