The February Carolina Catholic show features an interview with Immaculée Ilibagiza, survivor of the 1994 Rwanda genocide, who is the author of six books including her first book, Left to Tell, a New York Times bestseller and winner of many awards. In this show, she shares the history of the apartheid that divided her country before the genocide, what happened to her and her family during those 100 days, and how her Catholic faith led her to forgive all Hutus including the man who had killed members of her family. Immaculée will be speaking at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Kannapolis, NC on February 22.

Listen to the show

Show Notes

Immaculée's website

Books by Immaculée Ilibagiza with links to Amazon

Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust

Led By Faith: Rising from the Ashes of the Rwandan Genocide

The Boy Who Met Jesus: Segatashya Emmanuel of Kibeho

The Rosary: The Prayer That Saved My Life

Our Lady of Kibeho: Mary Speaks to the World from the Heart of Africa

If Only We Had Listened

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