Respect Life Month

Carolina Catholic reports from the Love My Life Rally in Raleigh on January 16, and the March for Life in Washington DC on January 22. In this show, we chat with Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, Msgr. David Brockman, Diocesan Communications Director Billy Atwell, and others who attended the North Carolina Rally and the March for Life; the Love my Life Rally which attracted over 1,300 youth from our diocese; and the March for Life which was attended by thousands of youth from across the country who join the 100,000+ marchers who come to DC annually to stand up for life and peacefully protest the Supreme Court's decision, Roe v. Wade, which was decided on January 22, 1973. Since that fateful day, the lives of 58 million unborn children have been lost to abortion.

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St. Michael the Archangel

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