Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie
Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, a medical doctor, mother of five, and a policy advisor for The Catholic Association. She writes and speaks in both Spanish and English about Catholicism, religious freedom, and the intersection of faith and science. As a Hispanic, she brings a special focus on social issues that affect the growing Latino population, such as the state of the family and the real needs of the poor and marginalized. As a physician, she is able to address complex subjects relating to government health policy and its true impact on the people it purports to help. We focus in this show on her May 9, 2016 opinion piece in the New York Post entitled, “The ACLU’s deadly anti-Catholic vendetta," which challenges this report from the ACLU: Health Care Denied
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NY Post opinion piece
The Catholic Association
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C-SPAN Video from March For Life Rally, January 22, 2015