Carolina Catholic chats again with world champion tandem surfer and Catholic author, Bear Woznick about his book, 12 Rules for Manliness: Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? 

Tara and I chat again with Bear Woznick, host of EWTN’s Motorcycle Based Reality TV show, “Long Ride Home with Bear Woznick.” Bear's newest book is called 12 Rules for Manliness: Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? In this book, Bear, who lives with his wife, Cindy, in Hawaii, calls all men to become like cowboys of old who were heroes, were strong and reliable, who protected and provided for their families, and who lived by a Creed and a Code. Bear shares this code of conduct with men in today's world explaining the 12 rules that all men should embrace that will help to bring them and their families closer to Jesus Christ.

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Show Notes (Deep Adventure Ministries)



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