For our October Carolina Catholic show, we talk to local pro-life Catholics as they witness to the value of human life from conception to natural death. October is called Respect Life Month in our Church, and during this month, Catholics are asked to stand up for the most vulnerable, the unborn, the sick, and the forgotten. The show features local Catholics like Bev Jolly and Mary Mayer who are actively involved in the pro-life movement.
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Diocese of Raleigh Pro-Life Office
Prayer for Closing of an Abortion Mill
Father, all life is in Your care. You have
entrusted us to one another, that we may
show our brothers and sisters the same love
You have for us. We pray, then, for the least
among us, the children in the womb. Protect
them from the violence of abortion. We pray
for those that are scheduled to die at Planned
Parenthood of Wilmington. Save them from
death. Give new hope to their parents,
that they may turn away from the desperate
act of abortion. Grant conversion to the
abortionist and to the staff. Show us how we
are to respond to the bloodshed in our midst
and lead us to the day when this place of
death will be transformed into a haven of life.
Guard us with Your joy and Your peace, for
In You, life is victorious. We pray in the name
of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.