For our March show, we will chat with Christine Sulzen, coordinator and co-founder of the annual Ignited by Truth Conference in Raleigh. This year, IBT will celebrate its 12th year. Over the years, wonderful Catholic speakers have been a part of IBT including Father Larry Richards, Joseph Pearce, Immaculeé Ilibagiza, John Martignoni, Raymond Arroyo, and Dr. Scott Hahn. Dr. Hahn will be presenting again this year along with his wife and fellow convert, Kimberly Hahn. We will talk about the inspiration that became IBT, the guests over the years, and this year's exciting lineup of speakers.
Early registration discounts are available through Saturday, March 8. See the link below to register either online or by downloading a registration flyer. Also check your parish bulletin as you may have a point-of-contact for registration, transportation, etc.