Charlie Hearn talks about his biography, I Have Angels All Around Me

Our guest is Charlie Hearn, a young man who has faced incredible adversity from the moment he was born, but who persevered in his faith and his love of Christ through times in his life that would defeat many. Charlie was born with a rare genetic disorder called Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome which causes a malformation of the heart, cirrhosis of the liver, and other challenging medical issues that he's endured for over three decades. But through faith and with the help of his heroic mom, Bessie, Charlie has fought the good fight and will soon celebrate his 35th birthday. Charlie also evangelizes to the brokenhearted here in Wilmington at a prayer meeting held every Friday night.

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Or you can buy his book at S&L Deli on 17th Street in Wilmington or from Charlie Hearn at Charlie Hearn, 305 McClure Circle, Castle Hayne, NC 28429


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  Wilmington Catholic Radio 
  PO Box 12321
  Wilmington, NC 28405



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